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Laptop Repairs Melbourne

Laptop Repairs Melbourne

We provide fast and high quality Laptop Repairs in Melbourne. Our Phone and iPhone Repairs Shop is located in Melbourne, CBD. Check out the price list below and note that prices are based on a Good touch & LCD Screen

Pricelist for fixing your Laptop with us



If you're facing problems with your laptop, we can help. At AMT Electronics, we provide reliable, efficient, and affordable laptop repair services. Our skilled technicians are equipped to handle all types of laptop issues, from hardware malfunctions to software glitches. Whether you need a quick fix or a comprehensive repair, we've got you covered. From screen replacements and keyboard repairs to battery replacements and software troubleshooting, our skilled technicians can handle it all.

Laptop Screen Replacement Melbourne

Laptop screen replacement is one of the most common repair services offered by Laptop Repair Pros. A damaged or broken laptop screen can be frustrating and hinder your productivity, but there's no need to worry - our skilled technicians can quickly and efficiently replace your laptop's screen, restoring its visual clarity and functionality.

There are various reasons why a laptop screen may need to be replaced. Accidents happen, and a drop or impact can result in cracks, shattered glass, or even a completely non-functional display. Additionally, malfunctioning pixels, flickering screens, or colour distortions can also indicate a screen issue that requires replacement.

During the screen replacement process, our technicians exercise utmost care to protect the other components of your laptop. They follow industry-standard procedures to disassemble the laptop, remove the damaged screen, and install the new one with precision. Each connection and fastening is handled carefully to ensure that your laptop functions flawlessly after the repair.

Laptop Liquid Repair

In the unfortunate event of a liquid spill, don't panic! Bring your laptop to us immediately, and we'll do our best to salvage it through a thorough liquid damage repair process.

Accidents happen, and it's not uncommon for a laptop to come into contact with water, coffee, juice, or other liquids. When liquid seeps into a laptop, it can cause a myriad of issues, such as unresponsive keys, erratic behaviour, and even complete device failure. The liquid can corrode internal components, short-circuit circuits, and damage delicate electronic parts. If left untreated, liquid can cause further damage.

Once we've determined the scope of the damage, we begin with the cleaning process. We carefully disassemble the laptop and clean all the affected components. We then identify any components that may need replacement.

Laptop Battery Replacement

Over time, laptop batteries can lose their capacity to hold a charge, leading to decreased battery life and reduced performance. If you find that your laptop's battery is not lasting as long as it used to or if it fails to charge properly, it might be time for a battery replacement.

We are able to repair the battery for a variety of laptop brands, including Macbook Air and Macbook Pro. Our team understands that MacBook Air and MacBook Pro models have different battery designs and requirements. Therefore, we tailor our repair services to match the specific needs of each model. We follow Apple's guidelines and use approved tools to ensure a seamless and reliable battery replacement process for your valuable MacBook.

Laptop Window / Operating System Repair

A malfunctioning OS can lead to a range of issues, such as slow performance, system crashes, error messages, and difficulty in accessing your files and applications. If you're experiencing any of these problems, our expert technicians are here to help.

Our first step is to perform a thorough diagnosis to identify the root cause of the issue. In some cases, the issue might be caused by corrupted files or software conflicts. Our technicians will work diligently to resolve these software-related problems, ensuring that your laptop's OS is running smoothly and efficiently.

If the OS has become severely corrupted or damaged, a reinstallation may be necessary. Rest assured that we will take all necessary precautions to back up your valuable data before proceeding with the reinstallation. We'll then reinstall a fresh, stable version of your OS, free from any issues that were plaguing your laptop before.

Laptop DC Charging Port Repair

The DC charging port is a vital component of your laptop that connects the power adapter to the battery. Over time, the charging port can become loose, damaged, or worn out, leading to charging difficulties or complete power failure.

If you're experiencing problems with your laptop not charging properly or having to adjust the charging cable to get a connection, it's likely that the DC charging port needs attention. Our skilled technicians are well-equipped to handle DC charging port repairs for laptops of various makes and models.

If the charging port is loose, our technicians will securely reattach it to the motherboard, ensuring a stable connection. If the port is damaged beyond repair, we will replace it with a high-quality, compatible DC charging port.

Frequently asked questions

1. How long does a laptop repair usually take?

The repair time varies depending on the specific issue and the availability of replacement parts. However, most of our repairs are completed within 1-3 business days.

2. Can you repair all laptop brands?

Yes, our technicians are experienced in repairing laptops of all major brands, including but not limited to Apple, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Acer, ASUS, and more.

3. Is it necessary to back up my data before getting my laptop repaired?

While we take every precaution to preserve your data during the repair process, it's always a good idea to back-up your important files before bringing in your laptop for repair.

Don't let laptop issues slow you down. Get in touch with Laptop Repair Pros today for efficient and reliable laptop repair services. Our friendly team is ready to assist you and answer any questions you may have. You can visit our store during business hours or give us a call. Trust us to bring your laptop back to life and get you back on track in no time!

Address: 381 Elizabeth St, Melbourne VIC 3000

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